This is a tasty and filling soup for those cold winter nights. The mix of the vegetables tastes wonderful. Make homemade baked bread and you will have...
This hearty soup is a great 'warm you upper' for a cold winter night! Served with fresh grated Romano cheese and oven warm Italian bread, it's a hit any...
This hearty soup is a great 'warm you upper' for a cold winter night! Served with fresh grated Romano cheese and oven warm Italian bread, it's a hit any...
This is a recipe for a Minestrone Soup that is very similar to Lelli's Minestrone soup here in Detroit. Make sure you use a large stock pot, because this...
Italian sausage and dill pickles are the secret ingredients in this minestrone. Top with grated Parmesan, and serve with a hearty bread and green salad...
This ham, bean and rice soup is my favorite and it is a hearty dinner soup. Sprinkle bowls of soup with Parmesan cheese and serve hot. Serve extra cheese...
This ham, bean and rice soup is my favorite and it is a hearty dinner soup. Sprinkle bowls of soup with Parmesan cheese and serve hot. Serve extra cheese...
This delicious and easy minestrone is made in the morning and cooks all day in the oven for a wonderful soup your family will love. Sometimes I'll add...
This ham, bean and rice soup is my favorite and it is a hearty dinner soup. Sprinkle bowls of soup with Parmesan cheese and serve hot. Serve extra cheese...
This ham, bean and rice soup is my favorite and it is a hearty dinner soup. Sprinkle bowls of soup with Parmesan cheese and serve hot. Serve extra cheese...
I concocted this dish using my family's recipe and another recipe I found online as guidelines, while also putting my own spin on it. What it turned into...
I concocted this dish using my family's recipe and another recipe I found online as guidelines, while also putting my own spin on it. What it turned into...
The thing I like most about this soup is the pesto made from the greens of the beets and turnips, along with the kale. Yep, I'm going tip-to-tail. The...
This delicious and easy minestrone is made in the morning and cooks all day in the oven for a wonderful soup your family will love. Sometimes I'll add...
Minestrone means 'big soup' in Italian, and this soup is sure to satisfy even the biggest of appetites. Served with a crisp loaf of bread, it's a meal...
Minestrone means 'big soup' in Italian, and this soup is sure to satisfy even the biggest of appetites. Served with a crisp loaf of bread, it's a meal...
Minestrone means 'big soup' in Italian, and this soup is sure to satisfy even the biggest of appetites. Served with a crisp loaf of bread, it's a meal...
Minestrone means 'big soup' in Italian, and this soup is sure to satisfy even the biggest of appetites. Served with a crisp loaf of bread, it's a meal...
This is a recipe for a Minestrone Soup that is very similar to Lelli's Minestrone soup here in Detroit. Make sure you use a large stock pot, because this...
This is a tasty and filling soup for those cold winter nights. The mix of the vegetables tastes wonderful. Make homemade baked bread and you will have...
This is a tasty and filling soup for those cold winter nights. The mix of the vegetables tastes wonderful. Make homemade baked bread and you will have...
I created this soup after becoming tired of the excess salt and lack of veggies in canned minestrone. I recalled a great bowl of minestrone that was overflowing...
This delicious and easy minestrone is made in the morning and cooks all day in the oven for a wonderful soup your family will love. Sometimes I'll add...
I created this soup after becoming tired of the excess salt and lack of veggies in canned minestrone. I recalled a great bowl of minestrone that was overflowing...
I created this soup after becoming tired of the excess salt and lack of veggies in canned minestrone. I recalled a great bowl of minestrone that was overflowing...
This famous Italian soup has been much imitated around the world with very different results. The homemade version is a delicious revelation and is also...
I concocted this dish using my family's recipe and another recipe I found online as guidelines, while also putting my own spin on it. What it turned into...
I concocted this dish using my family's recipe and another recipe I found online as guidelines, while also putting my own spin on it. What it turned into...